About Us

Everything you need to know about our Company

Our vision

To be a well recognized association of the construction sector in Afghanistan And our members companies for a sustainable standard growth.

Our Goal

We strive to connect and promote Afghanistan construction sector in the global standard in order to develop national and international civilization and economic growth.

Mission Statement

To Advance construction education, construction contracts & construction companies in international level.

Our Objectives

How we see the future for the construction sector..

To be collective pro-active voice of the construction industry to insure fair legislation and regulations for the industry and consumer by creating public awareness of the role-played by the business and profession of construction industry in Afghanistan. To be the recognized authority and respected community and business leader on industry standards and related business issues and to assist in those activities when called upon. To provide continuing education and information to provide the highest quality and value in member products and services through education programs and scholarships, encourage young people to take up careers in the construction industry for meeting current and future needs. To promote and support responsible growth to maintain a positive economic future for the communities we serve. To aid the construction industry in such a manner that adequate construction services will be made available by private enterprise to all Afghanistan.